Northern Prairie Alpacas, LLC

Focus on the fiber

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LDA Tango

Alpaca , Huacaya , Male |Non-Breeder |White

AOA# 31027496 | DOB: 6/21/2008

Sire: MFI Peruvian Seabrook
  | 31027496 | MF
Dam: Bolivian Lapaz
  | 31027496 | White
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Tango and his buddy Riptide came to our farm together; they were purchased for their wonderful fiber and their potential to be the "PR" guys for the farm. Tango definitely meets the "PR guy" description, he is curious and very friendly without being pushy or aggressive. He always rubs noses with us when we are filling the hay feeder; we like to think it is his gentle way of saying thank you. Tango is easy to handle and lets us rub his neck which is irresistable because he has dense fine fiber that is incredibly soft. Tango could be the poster boy for loveable/hugable alpacas!

Updated 2/8/2013

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